Tuesday 2 April 2013


Hi Fellow Team Members,

Well...Today I got michelle's changelle to 'crack a sweat.....OMG! that's what I did! I am so tired now, every time I get up I feel like im running a marathon. Excersise today - My mum and I did a walk/jog not sure how many k's it was but it was probably about half hour we were there. Not to mention getting lost on the way back and can't find the car park. lol. We found it obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this blog we'd still be there.  I jogged further than expected, we did have intervals as both of us never really jog to often. Jogging use to hurt my back and I just couldn't do it but now, I had no pain in my back today, sometimes I do but not today! I feel fitter! I gave myself goal points to where I could stop jogging and sometimes I jogged a little further just to show myself I could. I probably could of jogged more but the talking got in the way lol! We defintly cracked a sweat though as we both stunk! lol.

That wasn't it though! When I got home, I had a 30 - 40 min workout planned, which consisted of 5 min wall sits and 5 min jogs. I did the first 5 min wall sit, and then half way through the 5 min jog I was buggered, I kept going - but walking and I just knew there was NO WAY i could do more of that! For the first time in AGES or possiby EVER, I was done & just could not complete my workout! I ALWAYS complete my workouts. I feel great though! tired but great! and im pumped for the rest of the week... scared but pumped!

My food diary for today
B - N/A
M/T - N/A
LUNCH - 2 ham & mayo wraps with 1 x yoghurt topp
A/t - Green Apple
Dinner - 2 x beef sausages with 2 x fried eggs with tomateo sauce
Snack - Sultana's

I know i've been missing breakfeast and morning tea, I don't usually it's just because we either ran out of breakfeast food or I didn't have time in the morning due to cleaning.

I know I should eat my breakfeast, I always try too and I always tell my partner he should eat it!

My qoute today comes from mark from the biggest loser, I liked it so much I just had to write it down & I will post on my wall some time.

"Winning isn't Important, Trying to win is Important" - Love it!

Well Goodluck this week all! and i'll blog tomorrow! Geez!

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